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ALASKA is often imagined in our minds as having vast
snowcapped mountain ranges, beautiful rivers, lakes and streams, 
incredible wildlife, and abundant landscapes. ALL ARE TRUE!
What we don't realize is that because of the 9 months of cold 
temperatures and dwindling sunlight, there is a lot of depression,
drug abuse, and criminal behavior. 

To say it mildly, there is a BIG need for those that bring HOPE, 
a NEW BEGINNING, and the LIFE that our God offers! 

Each and every concert across the state was met with sincere
hearts reaching out for truth, receptive men and women eager to
receive the Truth of God's Word. 

It was an incredible time of ministry. 

HUGE thanks and appreciation to Matt & Laurie Crouch at TBN 
for their partnership in all of these 30 day tours since 2017.

Most of all, much praise and gratitude to our Lord, Jesus Christ who
kept us safe, provided all we needed to accomplish the activities,
provided His presence in every facility, and was faithful
to encourage, strengthen, and change lives at each event.
Without Him, NONE of this would be possible.